Yoga classes
Weekend boost yoga once a month on Sunday mornings.
The morning practice creates your energy for the day, offers you a connection to yourself when everything is still calm, and sets you up for a harmonious Sunday.
The session begins with anchoring and connecting to the breath, followed by a warm-up, sun salutations and asanas (postures), before returning to the initial sitting posture and experimenting with pranayamas, active breathing techniques. Relaxation brings the session to a close, allowing everything you've practised to take effect.
Open to all
Registration required
Price: CHF 30
With pleasure
Individual rate
Per person | 30.- CHF |
Dates and timetable
16 February 2025
Sunday08:00 - 09:30
Yog' Altitude
Sarah Derivaz
Rte des Paccots 218
1619 Les Paccots
+41 76 488 33 20