Region of Fribourg

The tourist region of Fribourg offers you unforgettable experiences... Lake, city or mountains, discover a real land of values!

Fribourg Meeting offers you the possibility to comfortably organize your future seminars or congresses.

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La Gruyère
Schwarzsee -
Romont Région
Les Paccots
- La Veveyse

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Welcome to the website of Fribourg Region and its tourist regions. Please select on the map the region you wish to discover and browse through its offers. We wish you a lot of fun!

swiss map
La Gruyere
Région Lac
de Morat
Les Paccots
You are in the region

Les salons de Modeste

Mark your calendars, "Les Salons de Modeste" returns to Romont on February 22, 2025, with a new format.

  • From 6:45 pm at Romont elementary school

Les Salons de Modeste is a free event held every year on a Saturday evening around Saint Modeste's Day. And it's been going on since 2009! An invitation to meet and exchange ideas, the event brings together people who know each other but don't necessarily know or talk to each other. It's an opportunity to meet new people outside our usual circles.

Private individuals open their living rooms for an evening. Participants only find out where they're going that evening. Meet in front of Romont elementary school from 6.45pm until 8pm to find out where you're going. During the evening, the hosts are informed of the location of the next part of the party, which has been kept secret until now. They inform all the participants and can then go there together to continue the evening with the other guests.

22 February 2025


  • From 6:45pm in front of Romont elementary school

Find us on Instagram ( or Facebook (Salons De Modeste Romont).

For further information:

Dates and timetable

22 February 2025


Salons de Modeste

+41 79 514 94 45

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