The world at home in Freiburg
This project is unique for the Fribourg region. It makes the regional character of global cohabitation visible and places the human being at the center. The exhibition allows us to meet people from other cultures in an intimate setting, and to give them a voice. We have the right to watch and listen to them, and to gain a multiperspectival view of our own country.
Many roads lead to Fribourg, and each life story makes us aware of just how different life paths can be. At the same time, we discover how similar and unifying our view of our concrete environment is. What's your favorite place? What's your favorite thing to eat, or what would you change as commune president? Visitors can ask themselves all these questions. They can compare them with the answers in the portraits, and in many cases realize just how similar the viewpoints and needs are on a day-to-day basis.