If you come across a man on a moped in Fribourg, his hair blowing in the wind, it is Hubert Audriaz!
From a family of eleven children, Hubert Audriaz grew up in Basse-Ville and has remained attached to it. Determined and creative, he embodies the spirit and culture of Bolze: a language, a carnival, a neighbourhood...
Life in the district known as the "Basse" would undoubtedly not be the same without the determination and devotion of Hubert Audriaz. A professional painter, Hubert Audriaz is also a community leader, devoted to his neighbourhood and to children. As well as his participation in the Carnival and many artistic activities, Hubert Audriaz created "The Magicians' Trail" which, from September to October, weaves its way through the old district of Fribourg. He was also at the origin of the project "La Vannerie", a centre of creativity in the fields of art, sport, culture and games. The main creation of the centre was certainly "Passeport Vacances", offering children many educational and fun activities at affordable prices. This painter has become the symbol and spokesman of the Basse-Ville district of Fribourg as well as that of a spirit and culture known as Bolze.