The most significant construction in Switzerland in teh late 1930's, a successful synthesis of August Perret's Classicism and Le Corbusier's "New Architecture"
At the founding of the Catholic International University in 1889, it was housed entirely in the socalled Lycée, an annex of the Jesuit College. The Natural Science Faculty was moved in 1896 to a former wagon factory in the Pérolles quarter. The Humanities Faclties occupy the new campus, built in 1939-41 on the site of the former cemetery Miséricorde.The plans were conceived by the Paris-based Swiss architect Denis Honegger in collaboration with the local Fernand Dumas, who was experienced in building with concrete. In 1978 a controversial expansion in the same style was carried out under the supervision of Honegger on the basis of an old design. The addition created a closed, square complex. A decline in quality to the newer strucutres is however apparent.