Parking P + R
Stop nearby "Fribourg, Poya".
Facilities for people with reduced mobility
Number of car spaces:
P+R rates :
1 zone / full rate: CHF 9.00
1 zone / reduced rate (SBB 1/2 fare pass): CHF 5.80
2 zones / full rate: CHF 11.40
2 zones / reduced rate (1/2 SBB fare): CHF 6.50
Prices are indicative and may be subject to change. Please refer to the prices directly on site.
Fribourg Tourism and Region lists the car parks in the city of Fribourg without being the contact in case of problems. It is recommended that you turn to the manager or owner of the car park.
Means of payment:
Coins / EasyPark / Parkingpay / Paybyphone / PrestoPark
Maximum time duration of parking:
6 days
Unlimited rates
2h | 1.50 CHF |
4h | 3.- CHF |
9h | 7.- CHF |
10.5h | 8.- CHF |
Parking and TPF daycard | 9.- CHF |