Les Grandes-Rames to host traditional national holiday on Thursday, August 1
The popular festival will take place at the Grandes-Rames as usual.
Book you place now for the traditional 1st of August Brunch on a farm: 1st of August Brunch
History of the 1st August :
The day was chosen because August 1st 1291 was the date on which three Alpine cantons swore the oath of confederation, an act which later came to be regarded as the foundation of Switzerland. The representatives of Schwyz, Unterwalden and Uri met on the Rütli field, high above Lake Lucerne, to swear a bond of brotherhood, and agree to act jointly if their freedoms were threatened by outside aggressors.
So it's not surprising that the official part of the August 1st celebrations take place on the Rütli even today, with a public gathering addressed by the Federal president. Indeed, it's a day for speeches, with politicians at all levels, from Federal councillors to the heads of communes, addressing meetings all over Switzerland.
For most people, August 1st means bonfires and fireworks and barbecues in the garden or brunch on a farm.