Exhibition at Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg
A combined exhibition between Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg and Lumiar Cité, Lisbon
Sid Iandovka and Anya Tsyrlina (both born in Novosibirsk, USSR) have collaborated together for over twenty years, developing a uniquely independent production approach to their work across different media. Theirs is a practice that occurs within a condition of statelessness, separate from community, identity and known context. They create singular filmic and sonic objects in which hauntological detachment meets unbound proto-punk sensibility.
Iandovka and Tsyrlina have come together with maverick American artists, Leslie Thornton and Thomas Zummer, for their first institutional show once in a hundred years.
At Friart, the installation is conceived as a cinematic wasteland in the wake of artificial intelligence. With an instability in the guise of story-telling, it conjures a reimagined ‘story-space’ in which narrative form breaks into ephemeral song, a eulogy for the living present.