It's the biggest lake marsh of Switzerland. Walks or rides on the roads going trough the nature reserves, will make you discover a wildlife with unsuspected and unlimited resources.
With more than 3000 hectares, the Grande Cariçaie is an exceptional natural set that is famous on an international scale. It hosts 8 nature reserves mostly accessible by foot or bicycle. The nature-centre of Champ-Pittet (Yverdon-les-Bains) and La Sauge (Cudrefin) are excellent places to discover the flora, the fauna and the preserved landscapes of the reserves. You will also make great discoveries by walking or riding on the 40km roads that crosses the reserves with information and observation points.
The Champ-Pittet (Yverdon-les-Bains) and La Sauge (Cudrefin) nature centres are excellent entry points for discovering the fauna, flora and well-preserved landscapes of the reserves.
Association de la Grande Cariçaie
Chemin de la Cariçaie 3
1400 Cheseaux-Noréaz
+41 (0)24 425 18 88