Region of Fribourg

The tourist region of Fribourg offers you unforgettable experiences... Lake, city or mountains, discover a real land of values!

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La Gruyère
Schwarzsee -
Romont Région
Les Paccots
- La Veveyse

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La Gruyere
Région Lac
de Morat
Les Paccots
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Fresco, Chemin de la Côte

Just as the pilgrim heads off for his next destination, Romont offers him a final glimpse of St James with the fresco at 9, Chemin de La Côte.

The pilgrims depicted by André Sugnaux in 2003 are discreet, even with their staffs, scallop shells and pouches. Against a dark sky you can make out the points of light of the “field of stars” or campus stellae: Compostelle, where the body of St James was buried and later discovered.

The owners had become friends with André Sugnaux during several joint projects and naturally approached him to create the fresco on the façades of their buildings.

André Sugnaux
Born in 1944, André Sugnaux is a painter, mosaic artist, icon painter and stained glass artist. He was the first foreign member of the Union of Russian Artists in St Petersburg. Having confronted the tragedy of the gulags, he pays tribute to their victims in several works. He lives and works in the Romont region, Siberia, Algeria and the shanty towns of Cairo.

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