The Seisler Brätzele are a typical Sensler speciality. In contrast to the "Brätzeli" from the french-speaking part of the canton they are flat and are not rolled.
Ingredients for approx. 80 pieces
1 l thick cream
2 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
750 g flour
Mix cream with salt and sugar, add flour and knead to a firm dough. Divide into three portions, pack individually in foil and place in the refrigerator overnight.
Form a 5 mm thick "Tradle" (roll) from the dough or roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm, cut into strips and form ovals over a long distance. Place two "Tradel" over 4 crosses on the iron plate and bake.
Recipe from: Freiburger Bäuerinnen und Landfrauen kochen (S. 151)
Schwarzsee - Senseland Tourismus
Schwarzseestrasse 212
1716 Schwarzsee
+41 (0)26 412 13 13