Murten and Andermatt have been awarded the international distinction of “Best Tourism Village” by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) since 2022. Discover the different characters and special features of these destinations on a day trip or for a whole weekend and be inspired by their great diversity of natural and cultural resources!
Competition concept
The Best Tourism Village competition was launched for the first time in 2021 by the Madrid-based World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The initiative promotes and strengthens the role of tourism in protecting rural regions with their landscapes, natural and cultural resources, and local values and activities.
Out of 136 applications from over 50 UN member countries, the jury selected 32 villages on the basis of criteria defined in advance. Details of the World Tourism Organization committee’s choice of Morat can be found in this article.
Collaboration with Andermatt Tourism
Andermatt in the Canton of Uri has also been voted one of the best tourist villages of 2022. As part of this recognition and the promotion of this award throughout 2023, Murten Tourism and Andermatt Tourism are joining forces in a joint promotional campaign for their respective regions. Preservation of cultural and natural heritage, sustainable tourism and close collaboration with local stakeholders are just three of the criteria linking the two villages.