From time to time, local associations are still baking the famous and delicious "Gâteau du Vully" (Vully tart) in the community village oven.
Saturday from 7:00 o’clock in the village community village oven Lugnorre:
08.02.2025: le groupement du Four
28.06.2025 : Brass Band la Campagnarde (no reservation !)
16.08.2025 : le groupe vocal ‘’Vully en chœur’’
01.11.2025 : le groupement du Four
Vully Tourisme, Route du Lac 114, 1787, Môtier
Route du Lac 114
1787 Môtier
Would you like to help and take part of it please contact Mrs. Gaillet 079 362 10 05 (Le groupement du Four).