Easily accessible from the Alpine restaurant La Goille au Cerf, a walk in the Niremont is a special experience. In spring, walkers marvel at the bright green of the meadows; later in the year, the atmosphere of long summer evenings is far removed from day-today life on the plain, while autumn colours create a final warm flourish before the winter.
Le Niremont – Beautiful in any season
© Pascal Gertschen
Union fribourgeoise du Tourisme
Rte de la Glâne 107
Case postale
1701 Fribourg
Union fribourgeoise du Tourisme
Rte de la Glâne 107
Case postale
1701 Fribourg
Union fribourgeoise du Tourisme
Rte de la Glâne 107
Case postale
1701 Fribourg
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